Thursday, December 17, 2015

Month one down- a lifetime to go

Month one is over. I met with the nurse last week and reported 8.5lbs of weight loss and a little over 2 inches from the waist. I was a bit disappointed in the weight but knowing the waist measurement was moving rapidly it proved to be a bit of a lift. This appointment was a review of the numbers. I didn't want to see them but I knew I had to figure out a plan of attack. 

Cholesterol- just fine. Borderline high but fine. Small changes will keep me in range. 

Hormones- could be better. Ruled out PCOS which was great but the numbers confirmed that a lot of my issues were as a result of internal issues. Progesterone once a day should help manage this. 

Insulin- holy bad numbers Batman. My insulin resistance is 2x what a normal high level is. Since we are treating with Metformin I moved doses to manage my levels. Still working on getting back to the correct does but working on it. 

Thyroid- kinda low. Small dose of thyroid meds should help me feel like a human again. 

If anyone knows me you will know that I don't really like taking meds. How does one who can barely take a vitamin remember all of this. After a few days of reminders I am finally getting the hang of it. It's a game of putting pills everywhere I need them but a simple slap in the face does help. 

Month two will get better. Addition of veggies will make things easier. Having options to add to soups will make them more appealing. Keep your fingers crossed the weight still comes down. Aiming for 10% weight loss at 6 mos. the sooner the better in my mind. 

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